Digimead Artifacts

You are welcome ;)))
Maven Central:
libraryDependencies += "###ORG###" % "###ARTIFACT###" % "###VERSION###"
<dependency org="###ORG###" name="###ARTIFACT###" rev="###VERSION###" />
    @Grab(group='###ORG###', module='###ARTIFACT###', version='###VERSION###')

You may add Maven repository:
resolvers += "digimead-maven" at "http://storage.googleapis.com/maven.repository.digimorg/"
Or you may add Ivy repository:
resolvers += Resolver.url("digimead-ivy", url("http://storage.googleapis.com/ivy.repository.digimead.org/"))(Resolver.defaultIvyPatterns)
And then
addSbtPlugin("###ORG###" % "###ARTIFACT###" % "###VERSION###")
Or you may create a
file that looks like the following:
import sbt._
object PluginDef extends Build {
  override def projects = Seq(root)
  lazy val root = Project("plugins", file(".")) dependsOn(plugin)
  lazy val plugin = uri("git://github.com/###ORG###/###ARTIFACT###.git#TagOrCommit")
You may find more information about Build.scala in SBT documentation

Mr. Alexey Aksenov aka ЁЖ

Primary email
Secondary email
Russian phone
United Kindom phone
WorldWide SIP

Digimead Ivy located at http://storage.googleapis.com/ivy.repository.digimead.org/
Digimead Maven located at http://storage.googleapis.com/maven.repository.digimead.org/
SBT Site Manager

SBT Site Manager 

SBT Site Manager is SBT plugin that adds routines for publishing composite documentation. That documentation is combined from different blocks like markdown files which is transformed with Scalate templates, API pages, various static content. This integration of pre-generated, static and dynamic contents brings awesome opportunity for customisation of L&F with fast and simple documentation process.

The plugin is based on Booklet library.

The necessity to write this plugin is lack of some critical functionality in sbt-site

The difference between SBT Site Manager and sbt-site:


  • Booklet support :-) with template offload and user properties
  • brief and full diagnostics of composite structure


  • lack of support of Sphinx, Jekyll, Pamflet, but this may be added within minutes if needed. Is this needed?

Latest stable version $version$

Latest development version $version$


Current state

I Like It



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This information is provided in the hope that it will be useful and help people with their first steps, even if it is written in broken English... Would you have preferred well written Russian? :-) Please, correct it, if you find something inappropriate.
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